USA Box 2010, Buffalo, NY 14231-2010
(716) 688 - 5048
CANADA Box 1210, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7A7
(905) 684 – 1401
Summer 2009
Dear Friends,
In 2006 God captured our hearts for Africa, but God had been working in both of our hearts since we were little. When he was a young boy, Jeneson read a book about the African missionary, Dr. David Livingstone and often dreamed of becoming a medical missionary just like him. Sandy envisioned helping others, but until she came to Christ in 2000, she was unsure of the direction to take. Our journey toward missions started in 2002 when we took our first mission trip as a couple to Honduras. Ever since that first trip we have felt God leading us toward a life of missionary work. We then started to prepare ourselves more professionally. Jeneson was already working as a Medical Technologist, but had the desire to work in medicine in more of a clinical role and God opened the doors for him to go back to school to become a Physician Assistant. While Jeneson was pursuing his degree, Sandy also returned to school to become a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Since 2002, we have gone on several other trips with a medical focus. Our first trip to Africa in 2006 was a medical mission trip sponsored by our local church to the small West African country of Benin. We were then blessed to go back to minister to the people of Benin in 2007 and again in 2008. Since those trips, God’s call on our lives has been stronger and has pointed us toward Africa. God is also leading us to focus more on the future and become long term missionaries. Through God’s orchestration we have partnered with Global Outreach Mission.
We now have the amazing opportunity to work as missionaries with Global Outreach Mission (GOM) in the West African country of Sierra Leone. God is at work in Sierra Leone. GOM has facilitated the start of 50 local churches and 14 Christian schools. Recently, God orchestrated the giving of some buildings and land by some local Muslim chiefs to GOM. Before the civil war in Sierra Leone, this property housed one of the premier hospitals outside of the capital, but war stripped the buildings of anything usable. The Site Plan for the hospital has been approved and GOM is beginning to raise funds and plan for work teams to begin rehabilitation. The vision is for the clinic portion of the hospital to be nearing completion in about one year, when we prayerfully hope to be in Sierra Leone.
We would like to share with you some facts about Sierra Leone:
Despite the relatively low incidence of HIV/AIDS, Sierra Leone has the 4th highest death rate and the 2nd highest infant mortality rate in the world.
The average life expectancy is 41 years.
Educating people on sanitation and infection control, providing health care and prenatal care has the potential to save many. Our goal is that while saving lives by providing health education and basic health care, we can also teach them how Christ can give them eternal life.
As we prepare for this next season of our lives, we are writing for your support. Most importantly we need prayer warriors. Please pray for:
1) Our spiritual, personal and professional preparation.
2) Start-up of the reconstruction on the Mokanji hospital and clinic.
3) Financial provision.
We need to raise funding for personal support, and for our initial outfitting and air tickets.
Would you please consider standing with us in prayer and financial support? Please use the enclosed prayer card to indicate your willingness to support us and mail it back to GOM. If you have any questions or want to know more about how God is leading us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jeneson and Sandy Abraham
Josiah and Lydia