Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer 2010 support letter

Dear Friends,

     OK, so I missed my goal of getting our summer prayer letter out by the middle of June, but we have been a very busy family. God has been so good and shown Himself faithful to His goal to take us to Sierra Leone. We hope that you all have been able to enjoy the nice warm weather and some time away with family this summer. Here is a quick update on what we have been up to.

     Through the miracle known as Facebook, Jeneson was able to reconnect with an old friend, Brent, from his Zion Bible School days (we’re talking 20 years ago). Brent just happens to live in the Chicago area and have a church on the north side of the city. He graciously invited to speak there the end of April and we were blessed with the support and prayer we received from his congregation. In May, we spoke at our home church, Pathway Community Church in Elmhurst. While many in the church knew of our raising support to go to Sierra Leone, it was a great opportunity to share with the church body as a whole how God has planted this desire in our heart and is moving in our lives to get us there. Pathway has been a great support to us and we are grateful that God has led us to this wonderful body of believers who have committed to supporting us both spiritually and financially. God has certainly placed so many people in our path that just confirms that this is what God wants us to do.

June was filled with travel and adventure for all of us. Sandy spent two weeks at the University of Missouri Kansas City at an INMED course in international medicine. She learned a lot about both the medical and public health aspect of practicing medicine in developing nations. She also connected with some wonderful people who are also following God to do work in various countries in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. While Sandy was away and the kids were spending some quality time with Grandpa and Grandma, Jeneson headed to Haiti with a group from Tulane University. This was a great experience medically and an enlightening experience spiritually as this was the first non-faith-based medical mission trip he has been on.

The months of July and August show no signs of slowing down either. Jeneson’s Dad will be visiting from India in July and the beginning of August. Through connections with family and friends we will be speaking at a church in Shelbyville, IL in mid-July. Baby Abraham #3 is due the end of July/beginning of August. And, the middle of August will find us down in New Orleans as Jeneson starts the Tropical Medicine Diploma Program at Tulane University on August 18th. 

We are definitely in need of your prayer support in the coming months. We are still trying to sell our condo and will be stepping out in faith as we look for a place to live in the New Orleans area. Through wonderful friends we have some contacts in the New Orleans area and are fully depending on God to provide for us financially and to lead us to where He wants us to be. Please pray for Sandy as she transitions to having a preschooler, toddler, and infant to care for in a new city. Please pray for Jeneson as he leaves his current job and starts further schooling in tropical medicine. Please pray for the kids as they adjust to a new sibling and a new house. The people of Sierra Leone continue to need prayers for the softening of hearts to hear about the love of Jesus. A short term team from Global will be travelling to Sierra Leone in mid-July and we are anticipating good reports from them on the well digging and hospital construction.

We enjoy any opportunity to tell others of the desires that God has laid on our hearts and how He is working in our lives. So, if you are interested in hearing more or think that your church or small group or any other gathering would like to hear us speak, please contact us. And, as always, if you feel led to give financially to our goal of being in Sierra Leone the first part of next year, please contact Global Outreach Mission for information on financial support.


Jeneson & Sandy Abraham
Josiah, Lydia, and baby Abraham

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